In 2010,they(Supreme Court) decide that it d be just fine for corporations to spend as much money as they want telling who to vote for.
Wait!Why are corporations telling us who to vote for?
Let s get something straight.This is a democracy,you know rule by the people?
If we want them(corporations) to serve us and not the other way around,they need some basic ground rules.And that s why government comes in.
Setting rules to keep things fair and safe and to protect society from corporations run amok.
Now if their main objective is to maximize profit,do you think corporations are content to follow rules that keep them in check?
No,of course not.They want to write those rules.But who is suppose to write the rules in a democracy?People.
That s why one of the corporations key strategies for sneaking into our democracy.
Remember,85% of Americans think that corporations have too much influence in our democracy.
Look,the corporations won t get out of our democracy until we,the people get back in.
It s time to put corporations back in their place and to put back in charge of our democracy.