Today in the family wanted many people to come with me to live together, said that any his family could not be occupied by the
human, he is chased down and killed, felt felt sorry for me to let him live first me several day, several days later I must catch up
with him to walk, the province linked me also to have the matter, the good danger, I thought that I went out carefully select have
been good, how did the province die did not know, I also wanted to live to 100 years old, the descendant full house, I have also
not married the wife, I wanted probably too many, moreover he also calculated pitifully, inexplicableIs chased down and killed
marvelously, also did not have the money to have to hire oneself I, looked like my this month to want economical in everyday
spending ....., the province when the time comes real went bankrupt I to die has decided that but must give the house rent, the
electrical bill, the telephone bill, the water fee, big pile of some, I will not have gone crazy! |