楓葉片片掉落 紅綠黃棕 今年芝城的秋不冷 心情是藍色 藍色渲染了秋夢 很久沒能好好睡一覺... 她會彎腰撿起片片型狀不同楓葉細細觀看 沒有一片楓葉是完全相同 人生是我們不能掌控(Can we?) 何況是別人的人生 我從來沒看過她掉過一滴淚水 她的苦 我不能說我完全懂得 可是我懂得痛苦的本質 我幫不了她 回臺灣後她將要一個人在外面生活 她沒有一個人在外面生活過 只能跟她說 這不只是妳的人生 妳要想清楚 我相信她以後的日子是衣食無缺 But人生的缺陷要如何彌補? I talked to her boyfriend over Skype this morning. He thanked me for taking care of her for 10 days. I asked him to let her stay. He told me not to worry and he will take good care of her. I have doubts he will be able to take good care of her. He is in China, and she will be in Taiwan. They only saw each other 3 times this year. 以後的路會更難走 好好保重@};-