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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
Hiking vs. Love 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 high mileage
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篇名: C2C
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.10.29  天氣:  心情:
Cactus to Clouds is on!

It's good that I have pre-hike jitter
no jaded attitude here
it's gonna be a big personal challenge
the biggest I have yet to encounter since I started hiking

10 miles of over 8,000' elevation gain followed by a 6-mile 2,500' elevation gain to summit Mt. San Jacinto, the tallest in the souther california desert area
no water source through out except the Palm Springs tramway
desert heat will be chasing us all the way up
the 3am start time and hiking in the dark on non trail (not established trail but we have Perry as our sweeper so no one is left behind or get lost)
weigty backpack (water mostly)

The relentless climbing will truly test my resolve
Sure I can climb 2,000 in 2 miles easily
I can climb 6,000 in 6 miles without fail
Can I climb 8,000 in 10 miles not hitting the wall??
Will I have enough in me to hike another 12 miles (6 miles up and 6 miles down)?
I do hope so

It'd be mind over body.
Plus drinking enough water, eating 200 calories per hour, replenish salt after sun comes up

I can do it
I can finish it to end my year of hiking on a high note
Most importantly, I can take a break from hard hike after this, until January, 2012
瀏覽次數:39    人氣指數:239    累積鼓勵:10
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