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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
high mileage 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 No more quota
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篇名: I did it!!!!
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.10.31  天氣:  心情:
C2C = Cactus to Clouds
Backpacker Magazine rated it the 5th hardest day hike in USA
10,400 feet of elevation gain in 16.5 miles (22 miles total hiking distance)
Location: Palm Springs, California

I did it!  I completed it on Saturday 10/29/2011
I delivered what I had promised myself to end 2011 hiking season with a BANG!

It was no joke
I did not feel that I was up to it
However, since it has more to do with the mind than body, I had to give it a try.

17 of us started the hike Saturday morning at 3:30am
Most are hard core extremely experienced and accomplished hikers (not me)
I left home around 1am, after 4 hours of on and off sleeping
It was pitch dark and the town of Palm Springs was sleeping soundly when we took off from Skyline Trail trail head (11 miles of 8,000 feet of net elevation gain)

Our leader set up a communication channel (3 people with walkie-talkie) and designated leader and sweeper
Leader Perry had done this hike numerous time therefore he knows the way in the dark
The hike starts tough; to get from almost sea level at the Palm Springs Museum parking lot to 1,500 feet elevation, the first 2 miles were steep and streneous, like daring us to give up.

I did think about quitting, that I did not belong to this group and this hike
Was really attempted to turn back when the first light crept out of the eastern sky
However, for me to turn back, Mihai may ask someone in the group to see me back
I did not want to be a killjoy to another hiker so I gritted my teeth and soldiered on

Soldiered on I did.
Usually after my body adjusted to the rhythm, the hike gets easier.
Not this one.
The first 2 miles really demanded my energy
Although I had about 500 calories prior to the hike
An hour into it I felt hungry again
That was how tough the start of this hike was

It was a race against the sun and heat
We ascended the first 4 miles in about 2 hours
As soon as the sun came out, the fast group took off
The slow hikers stayes behind, trying our best to cover the mileage

The last 2 miles on Skyline Trail was super tough
The elevation gain was 2,000 and into high altitude (tramway stops at 8,400 feet)
My legs started to cramp big time 1/2 mile before reaching the tramway
A Skyline Trail regular (Katherine) gave me 2 electrolyte pills
With some massage, marinated fresh fruits from Santos, and rest, I managed to get to Tramway (Long Valley) at 11:30am.

We (7 slower ones) stayed in Long Valley for about an hour and took off for Mount San Jacinto summit at 12:30pm.
Mt. San Jacinto summit is at 10,800 feet and about 5.5 miles from Long Valley Ranger Station
The elevation gain is only 2,500 feet spread over 5.5 miles
However, after a tough 11 miles on Skyline Trail, this meadering 2nd half became a test of will power
"Do you have enough to cover 11 more miles of hiking??  Do you??"
It was not challenging in terms of hiking difficulty but challenging and taxing to the mind and the weary body.

At the beginning of this 5.5 miles to the summit, I knew I would be OK hiking on my own because there's only one trail to the summit and well marked.
It also means I did not have to summit, I could turn back if I wanted to
That was when I told myself to stay focused.
I can do this.
I can cover this distance and back, to summit Mt. San Jacinto (of which I had never summitted before) and back to the tramway station.

It was a long arse hike.
The summit is a pile of boulders.
Hikers have to climb over rocks big and small to get to the top, no trail.
I was so tired by the boring trail and beat up body by the time I got to the rock climbing.
I again gritted my teeth to try to find a way to get to the top.
There's not a single thought of quitting.
Nobody quits at the foot of a summit.

I was so happy to see the sign that says Mount San Jacinto and its elevation.
I could have a photo or two to prove that I had done it.
I had summited to Jacinto after C2C (There's another way to get to Jacinto from the town of Idlewild, about 12 to 14 miles of round trip hike).

From 12:30pm departing Long Valley, I got to the tramway station by 6:30pm, with the last 30 minutes in the dark and my hands and face freezing (in the high elevation, the night time temp can be very, very cold).
The total time I spent to get C2C done was 15 hours, close to 3 hours were spent on resting and fueling.
It was definitely tougher than Grand Canyon Rim to Rim, which took me less than 12 hours to complete (the same mileage).

Every mile stone, large or small, is what it takes to build character and confidence.
This year, time and time again after a hike, I'd look at my body and examine inside my head to know that I can.
I can
I can
I can

瀏覽次數:52    人氣指數:1052    累積鼓勵:50
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high mileage 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 No more quota
時間:2011-11-30 04:38
他, 51歲,高雄市,資訊
時間:2011-11-09 15:59
他, 70歲,San Francisco,資訊
