檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2099299
 洛城熟眉 的日記本
I did it!!!! 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Hot Spring
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篇名: No more quota
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.11.05  天氣:  心情:
There's a study that says there's a finite number of times a person can fall in love. The average is about 6 in a life time. Some may have less and some may have more.

I think my number is used up.

For the past 3 years I have not met a single man that gave me the stomach butterfly.
Believe me I met a lot of guys from dating web sites and hiking activities.
Not a single man, be him younger or older, that rings me bell.

There's nothing wrong with them.
I believe that they are all upstanding and productive citizens.
I just can't feel anything for anyone but brotherly love.

Some may say that this is a sad state for someone like me.
Strangely I don't feel sad or glad, only indifferent and mildly curious.

It doesn't bother me much because I have a charmed life.
Have a job that can't fire me and will give me retirement pension (our pension management is very conservative, not like LAUSD and the State's).
Have a relatively healthy and fit body to carry me for miles
Have a lovely kitty to welcome me home every night
Have a lot of books, CDs, and endless supply of DVDs (from Netflix) to take up my spare time
Have saved up a lot for emergency and the coming old age
Have a few good friends and a drama free family
Live in a trendy and hip part of town in a state full of places to see.

I am not rich, famous, or beautiful but I am very content with what I have.
There's never a moment of regret or pining.
I am happy to be home alone
I am happy to hike with like minded people
I am happy to go to work to get my 2 paychecks a month and medical benefit.
I am happy whenever I recieve new DVDs and get new books from the library.
There's never a dull moment and if I have to travel solo, so be it.

Sure it'd be nice to have a companion.
Mentally and physically it's a relief to have someone to share the trip
But I manage to get it done on my own well so far.

If I'll never meet a man I feel for, I'll be OK.
Knowing me, I'll live my life just as fully.
Bitching about something I don't have is NEVER in my DNA.

Thank God for making me who I am!!
瀏覽次數:94    人氣指數:694    累積鼓勵:30
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I did it!!!! 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Hot Spring
時間:2011-11-30 04:30
他, 51歲,高雄市,資訊
時間:2011-11-09 15:56
他, 70歲,San Francisco,資訊
時間:2011-11-09 12:05
他, 72歲,Los Angeles,製造/供應商
