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No more quota 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 been a while
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篇名: Hot Spring
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.11.14  天氣:  心情:
This past weekend was a 2-night camping trip to Remington Hot Spring in Bakersfield by Kern River

The hot spring has 3 pools right next to Kern River.
They can't be compared to the "hot spring" in Taiwan because they are primitive, kind of hippie-ish.

Friday got there around 4pm, by the time i set up the tent, the rain started.
it rained the whole night friday but thankfully the sky cleared up by early dawn Sat

Sat we (there were 9 of us) drove 2 miles to the trail head for a 7-mile hike before soaking in hot springs
the pace was brisk and there's some good climbing to get us hot and sweaty.

What a difference a regular workout can do to the body
All 6 women are fit and lean, no one is big or flabby, the best looking bunch among all the people there
There's only one guy soaking naked and he's a younger guy so no eye sore ;-)

After the soak, it was nap time and dinner
followed by the camp fire
we all sat around the fire and talked, having a heart to heart, dancing with the music, and being silly
as a very special bonus, we witnessed a breathtaking moon rise over the mountain ridge
it was soooooo beautiful!

sunday morning there's more camp fire (to cook the rest of the sausages and eggs)
and more chitchatting before hitting the road home

overall it was a mellow and easy weekend
i need a bit of a break, can't do hard core hiking every saturday
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No more quota 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 been a while
時間:2011-11-16 04:54
他, 70歲,San Francisco,資訊
