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篇名: fitness 4 life
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2012.06.13  天氣:  心情:
Since I started hiking in 2011, my life has taken a turn for the better.
Not only that my weight dropped back to when I was 12, I've also met new friends and challenged my will power like never before.

However, hiking can only get me so far. I have been researching and thinking about a new workout to replace my week night hikes. After a couple of months checking web sites, writeups, and consulting with friends, I've pulled the trigger and signed up at a dojo place in my neighborhood.

It's only been a couple of weeks and I've tried Kata Waza, Muay Thai kickboxing, and Gracie Ju-Jitsu. OMG! nothing is easy. They are all super challenging in different ways. That day I took my first Muay Thai, my righ knee just got injured 2 days ago. There I was, kicking with my feet and knees at my training partner. And I had to do 100 half round house kicks and 100+ crunches! Boy, at the end I did not remember that my knee was hurting because I was so exhausted.

Ju-Jitsu was also very interesting. I watched two classes before I took my first one. I could not even roll on my shoulder correctly. And I thought it was easy watching others do it.

Martial Arts train a person's mind, not just his body. It is a way of life and takes years to get the benefit and be disciplined.

The question I have for self is: do i have what it takes to go deep?? I am not known to be deeply involved, always want to learn something new. I get frustrated by plateaus and want to move on to new activities. Can i stick around to be a martial arts artist?? It is not about getting colored belts. It's about doing it for years to come, getting better, learning its secrets.

Shall see. Too early to tell. Right now I just want to get the rolling on the shoulder part right in my Ju-Jitsu class. :-)
瀏覽次數:59    人氣指數:1019    累積鼓勵:48
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時間:2012-06-13 14:16
他, 94歲,台北市,待業中
時間:2012-06-13 13:38
他, 94歲,台北市,待業中
時間:2012-06-13 12:55
他, 94歲,台北市,待業中
