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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
Misc. Musing 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 i am into now..
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篇名: more musing
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2012.06.15  天氣:  心情:
I don't really subscribe to feminism
especially the extreme notion that men and women are equal (such a blanket statement!)
men and women are not equal
some things men do better and some things women do better

i got a deeper understanding since i started martial arts training
i was often the only female in class (ju-jitsu, muay thai, and boxing especially)
men can outweight, outmanuver, outmuscle me no matter what i do
all i have as leverages are speed, smarts, and quick reflex (when seeing an opportunity)
if i can spot a weakness/an opening, i might have a chance

no wonder women are cunning and crafty
we can't win by strength and muscle but we can watch and wait for an opportunity
we will use any mean to wrestle for control
it's not about fighting fair
it's about survival
how not to be brutalized by men
how to get provision and protection from men
how to secure a place in men's world

men often don't get why women have to be so calculating
saying that we complicate matters
it's because men and women are not equal
we are not the same
therefore the rules in the society are different for men and for women

men fight against men but not agaist women
women fight against women AND men
no wonder so many women are angery, bitter, and fatigued
瀏覽次數:142    人氣指數:742    累積鼓勵:30
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Misc. Musing 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 i am into now..