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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
White Mt. 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 on my mind
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篇名: kitty
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2012.06.19  天氣:  心情:
i have had 3 kitties

first one was from the shelter, got her when she was a tiny fur ball
to keep her i worked 3 part time jobs so that i could afford a 1-bedroom apartment
sadly i had to send her to mother when i took off for london for 6 months
when i got back, she's my brother's cat, not mine.

2nd one i found her under my car when he was a tiny fur ball
he's a naughty and smart tuxedo cat (charcoal and white, not b&w)
again, i sent her to mother for safe keeping and he also became my brother's cat

first one had lived over 20 years
2nd one had lived for about 19

my 3rd and current one is a diluted calico
she's a friend's beloved cat
when he had to move to boston for school, he found me to take over
i was not looking for a cat but she's a cutie and a real lady

it's been 12 years and she's about 13 or 14 now; still look like a cute kitten

not shy at asking for my attention when she needs it
needs to be held after eating
needs to be cuddled before her bed time
needs my attention after i get back home
never stays away from me when i am home
never mess with my things
never holds grudge
always act lady like no matter what she does
had her intuition about people, some she approaches, some she stays away (I trust her judgment)

I am doing my best to keep her content and comfortable
Every minute we spend together is precious
one day when she goes to kitty heaven
i will not regret not spending quality time with her when she's alive
and i will never have another one just like her.....

I love you my baby.
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