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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
kitty 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Casual??
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篇名: on my mind
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2012.06.21  天氣:  心情:
what do you think about the most often??

I have several topics that i think about, not always, often.

the purpose of my life: still haven t found the answer.

death: should i take charge or should i just, let it be?

money: what if i don t have enough to live on until i die?

window dressing: i fuss about my outfits a lot, making sure that i look good and enjoy my presentation.

fitness: i am very conscious of my weight and fitness level. i am vain so sue me.

vacation: i need incentives to go on, planning vacation is one.

age: i do worry about getting older. i fxcking hate it!

I used to think about work a lot, not anymore. Now i go to work to get paid and health insurance.

I don t think about marriage and kids. taking care of myself is a full time job already, forget about adding another person in the picture.

I don t think about the past. lessons learned and move on to be a better person.
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