從旅館到公司只有約 1.5 公里, 公司安排計程車行來接我上下班
前面兩個禮拜還好, 但這一個禮拜上下班被計程車放了約五次鴿子. 不但晚了 15-30 分鐘來
還有幾次計程車司機找不到公司的方向, 多繞了好些路才到呢
美國有個同事告訴我他今天用走路的去公司, 才花了 25 分鐘. 明天我也去用走的吧
就當作一大早的運動吧. 天氣有點冷, 但也沒關係啦, 上禮拜買的厚夾克剛好可以用上
好友托台灣同事帶來了一些松露醬油和干貝醬, 等下可以用來滷蛋和豆甘
干貝醬也可以伴麵吃. 還有泡菜呢 呵 感恩喔
下禮拜聽說有四天連假, 還沒計畫去哪裡
聽說南邊的 Santa Catalina 靠海邊, 很漂亮, 嗯 看看有沒有機會去那玩
只是現在已經快冬天了. 只是欣賞海吧, relax, 沒法下海游泳了
來聽大學時代跳舞必放的歌 Johnny River -- Slow Dancing Swaying to the music
It's late at night and we're all alone
With just the music on the radio
No one's coming, no one's gonna telephone
Just me and you and the lights down low
And we're
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
Slow dancing, just me and my girl
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
No one else in the whole wide world
Just you, girl
And we just flow together when the lights are low
And shadows dancing across the wall
The music's playing so soft and slow
And the rest of the world so far away and small
And we're
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
Slow dancing, just me and my girl
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
No one else in the whole wide world
Just you, girl
Hold me, hold me
Don't ever let me go
As we dance together in the dark
There's so much love in this heart of mine
You whisper to me and I hold you tight
You're the one I thought I'd never find
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
Slow dancing, just me and my girl
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
No one else in the whole wide world
Just you, girl