揮揮纖手 向昨天說再見 輕風拂面 帶走眼角淚水
滿山綻放著山櫻 迎來春風 落下遍地櫻吹雪 桃花艷紅 訴說著淡淡思念 枝頭黃鶯 輕聲唱滿心感謝
摘下仲春鮮花 束上祝福 隨著花香四溢 珍重再見
美夢 易醒 伴隨著回憶 如昔 思念 來襲 纏繞著誓言 依稀 情愛 迷離 訴說著真心 幾許 永恆 在回憶的夢裡 歷久彌新
Too many words more than I could say. So all of them will be hided in my heart. I thought you know that. Thanks for these days of your vernal mind. Wishing the happiness will always stay with you all the time. Maybe we would meet each other in somewhere, sometime. Thank you, my friend...
^_^ 謝謝你唷!!