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 摩卡 Macchiato 的日記本
Hello~ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 大學生了沒? I AM!
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篇名: Marriage...
作者: 摩卡 Macchiato 日期: 2009.02.05  天氣:  心情:
There will be some people who want to get married, and some people who don t. It s not a matter of good or bad, it s a matter of PERSPECTIVE. In China way back when, the Chinese were all told to 早生貴子, 越多越好. That s because in that time, the society needed more kids so they could work harder to produce perhaps tenfold the amount of crops as before. Also, there was the problem of inheritance and family name. If you didn t have kids... it was considered SHAMEFUL.

However, times have changed!! Nowadays, people are getting married later, having less kids. In the modern society, living styles have improved so much that we no longer need more kids to work and sustain our lives. So, presently, there shouldn t be a real need or urge to get married. That way, one can focus more on their own jobs and their own lives. :)
瀏覽次數:96    人氣指數:876    累積鼓勵:39
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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Hello~ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 大學生了沒? I AM!
時間:2009-02-05 14:47
他, 34歲,San Francisco,學生
時間:2009-02-05 14:02
他, 34歲,San Francisco,學生
作者回覆說[2009-02-05 14:06]:

lmao you re on i-part?
wowwwww nehhhh
lol kind of
i wanted to answer last week s "weekly i-part topic" but the damn thing changed before i could publish it. so mad. LOL so i decided to redeem myself and write this one.
