Change your life, if not the same as what will happen in that life had been what you thought about your other half to affect change is not what you think the other half of your life, however, they also found that a little bit before you and not the same as a result, he went back to chat with you and you said (I know you re not keen on such a life), after you have listened to you say (what means) you argue it is said that the other (because you are not yet ready) Then he told you to say Bai Bai hung up in the end why is it so ....
(如果你的生活變的不一樣了那會怎樣 原本你所想過的生活卻被你的另一半給影響到變的不是你所想的生活 然而你的另一半卻也發現你跟以前有點不一樣了 結果他和你聊一聊 就回你說(我知道了你也不嚮往這樣的生活)你聽了之後你卻說(什麼意思)你的另一辯卻又說(因為你還沒準備好)之後他就跟你說聲掰掰就掛了 到底為什麼會這樣....