M V - 1. 工筆人物畫 - 清宮怨 . 德珍以細緻瑰麗畫風著稱的德珍,至今已經發表過無數的作品、畫冊和 繪本。她的畫作富有東方特有的神秘與色彩,畫中人物,是東方美人的 繾綣柔情和歷史英雄的山河氣概。德珍以極盡的柔美浪漫畫風再現古代 帝王將相、詩人詞人的面目,藉由她的畫作,我們得以穿越歷史的洪流 ,再一次愛上東方的文化。也因此,使她贏得 「 東方畫姬 」 之名 。 Der Jen has achieved fame in her homeland and that fame is now spreading to other parts of the world as more and more people become familiar with her beautiful paintings. This Taiwanese artist depicts these beautiful ladies in classic, traditional dress that would have been worn by members of the royal court or an empress herself . Traditional hair styles and jewelry depicted in her pieces are also considered authentic. Der Jen's art can be found in Chinese advertising, children's magazines , romance novels, tarot cards, and even on public transit tickets . It's also making its way to our pictures as desktop wallpaper .
M V - 2 . Chinese Beauty 工筆仕女畫 .
Chinese Beauty 工筆仕女畫欣賞 .
MV - 3 . 張氏金庸劇美女雅集 . 傾國傾城 Ancient Chinese beauty .
張紀中 - 拍的金庸劇中的美女 。 The beauty in Martial arts TV which shoot by Zhang Jizhong .