快要和這住了 12 年的房子再見了, 在這裡有好多的回憶
酸甜苦辣, 五味雜陳, 只有自己知道吧
打從亞利桑那州搬來, 老大 6 歲, 小兒子 2 歲, 現在都是青少年了, 而我呢
呵 從壯年到中年了吧
朋友說我一生的心血和積蓄都在這房子上, 現在呢
還好吧, 也不過就是交換吧, 當作是經歷一場
兄姐都說我一生太順利了, 所以現在老天給我功課作了
嗯 沒經過這一遭, 我可能還沒有和天主這麼靠近吧
我不斷告訴自己, 往好的地方去想, 一切就會好的
來到巴西上班, 也是我人生的轉戾點吧, 巴西可算是當下最旺的地方
開始要考慮東山再起了, 等待時機, 多多學習, 做好投資準備
來聽 Ace of Base -- Every Tims it Rains
呵 對我的房子
I see dark clouds out my window.
I know the storm is coming any minute.
And the thunder just confirms my fears.
And I know that tears are in it.
I'll be crying unable to stop.
Look here comes the very first drop.
'Cause every time it rains I fall to pieces.
So many memories the rain releases.
I feel you.
I taste you.
I cannot forget,
Every time it rains, I get wet.
Darling, I am still in love with you.
As time passes by it just intensifies.
I know I'll never be with you again.
I'll never find another lover with that kindness in his eyes.
I'll be trying unable to stop.
Look here comes the very first drop.
'Cause every time it rains I fall to pieces.
So many memories the rain releases.
I feel you.
I taste you.
I cannot forget,
Every time it rains, I get wet.
On sunny days I'm all right.
I walk in the light.
And I try not to think about,
The love I live without.
But every time it rains I fall to pieces.
So many memories the rain releases.
I feel you.
I taste you.
I cannot forget,
Every time it rains, I get wet.
'Cause every time it rains I fall to pieces.
So many memories the rain releases.
I feel you.
I taste you.
I cannot forget,
Every time it rains, I get wet.
'Cause every time it rains I fall to pieces.
So many memories the rain releases.
I feel you.
I taste you.
I cannot forget,
Every time it rains, I get wet.