檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1947775
 愛唱西洋老歌 的日記本
翻唱西洋歌曲(4) 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 翻唱西洋歌曲(6)
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篇名: 翻唱西洋歌曲(5)
作者: 愛唱西洋老歌 日期: 2010.12.10  天氣:  心情:
I ve never been to me  Charlene

這首歌在 1976 年即由美國女歌手夏琳( Charlene )灌唱,問世後在排行榜上只升到第 97 名就銷聲匿跡。好幾年後,一位佛羅里達的電台 DJ 發現了這首曲子,在節目中密集的播放,慢慢的打響了它的知名度。一年多後,它重新進入了全美排行榜,一首好歌因而重見天日,免於蒙塵的命運。

我在一年多前自己試著翻唱,因為自己英文蠻破,所以在口白部分重錄好幾次,又加上自己還要唱合音...折騰好幾天[:|] 不管怎樣,真的是想要跟大家分享這首好歌,我自己每次聽,都會深深陷入歌詞意境中…[:%%]

Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life
You re a discontented mother and a regimented wife
I ve no doubt you dream about the things you ll never do
But I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you

I ve been to Georgia and California, anywhere I could run
Took the hand of a preach man and we made love in the sun
But I ran out of places and friendly faces
Because I had to be free
I ve been to paradise, but I ve never been to me

Please lady, please, lady, don t just walk away
Cause I have this need to tell you why I m all alone today
I can see so much of me still living in your eyes
Won t you share a part of a weary heart
That has lived a million lies

I ve been to Nice and the isle of Greece
While I sipped champagne on a yacht
I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed em what I ve got
I ve been undressed by kings
And I ve seen some things that a woman ain t supposed to see
I ve been to paradise
But I ve never been to me

Hey, you know what paradise is? It s a lie
A fantasy we create about people and places as we d like them to be
But you know what truth is?
It s that little baby you re holding,
And it s that man you fought with this morning,
  the same one you re going to make love with tonight
That s truth, that s love

Sometimes I ve been to crying for unborn children
that might have made me complete
But I, I took the sweet life
And never knew I d be bitter from the sweet
I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring
That cost too much to be free
Hey lady, I ve been to paradise
But I ve never been to me
瀏覽次數:251    人氣指數:3451    累積鼓勵:160
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時間:2010-12-15 21:13
他, 62歲,台北市,經商
時間:2010-12-10 22:04
他, 63歲,新北市,政府機關
時間:2010-12-10 11:49
他, 65歲,台北市,服務
