檔案狀態:    住戶編號:2110334
 ★をれる氷の心を封印★ 的日記本
不懂為何你要這樣對我 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 徵人啟事
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 愛情名言
作者: ★をれる氷の心を封印★ 日期: 2011.03.27  天氣:  心情:


1. 我很愛哭,卻不想在你面前掉眼淚,因為你討厭我哭。
It's easy to make me cry, but I don't want to cry in from of you. Because you don't like me crying.

2. 當我懦弱的時候,其實最需要的不過是你
When I am weak, I actually the only one I need the most is just you.

3. 我不會愛,不夠成熟不夠勇敢,只想當個小孩依賴著你。
I don't know how to love. I am not mature or brave enough. I just want to be a kid depending on you.

4. 我要的幸福,只想是你給的。
I just want the happiness given by you.

5. 說好手牽手走一輩子,我沒忘,你呢?
We promised each other that we would hold our hands forever. I didn't forget about it. What about you?

6. 我不富有但是擁抱很多,只要你需要,我都會在
I am not rich. But I have a lot of hugs. If you need, I will always be there.

7. 我們都討厭寂寞,卻被寂寞給打敗
We both hate loneliness. But we both got beaten by it.

8. 我做錯許多事,卻還是希望你不會放棄我
I made a lot of mistakes, but I still hope that you won't give up on me.

9. 讓我待再你身邊。
Please let me stay by your side.

10. 別丟我一個人淚流,你知道的我怕。
Don't let me cry alone. You know it, I will be scard.

11. 曾經說好的事,我還是都相信著。
I still believe in what we promised.

12. 只要你好 ,就好
As soon as you are fine, everything is fine.

13. 待在你身邊,我很快樂
I am happy, as long as I am with you.

14. 真的不後悔我愛你
There is no regret that I love you.

15. 我是個傻子,只懂照自己的方式愛你
I am a fool, the only thing I know is to love you with my way.
16. 有時候伸手想抓住你,卻怕被甩開而不敢拉近
Sometimes I want to reach you and hold you, but dare not get close because of being afraid that you wouldn't let me.

17. 現在的我們很遠,我只能像朵向日葵拚命仰著頭呼吸。
We are far away from each other now. The only thing I can do is breathing with my head raised like a sunflower.

18. 握握我的手好嗎? 少了你的空氣有點冷
Can you hold my hand? It's kind of cold without you.

19. 想陪你,即使只有一根火柴燃燒的時間
I want to be with you, even though it's the same amount of time the match is burned.

20. 讓我做你心中的唯一還有第一 好嗎 ?
Let me be the only and the first in your heart, okay?

21. 我常問一些很傻的問題,即便聽過好幾次,我還是想聽你說那句我愛你
I always ask some dumb questions. I still want to hear you say I love you even though I have heard that so many times.

22. 你的擁抱 是我一直想停留的位置
You hug, is where I always want to stay.
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