Which Mr.men/Little miss character are you??????? quiz and the result is Mr. Happy
你是哪一個日本AV女優? quiz and the result is 吉澤明步
睇下你艷遇率有幾高*w* quiz and the result is 99%
你係小丸子同學入面邊個角色?!? quiz and the result is 野口(野口笑子)
你是叮噹(哆啦A夢,Doraemon)的哪一個角色 quiz and the result is 叮噹
你是童話故事那一個角色? quiz and the result is 白雪公主
Your ideal job. quiz and the result is Photographer.
金庸里面,你最适合练什么武功? {create by LionelWong} quiz and the result is 九阳神功 + 乾坤大挪移
你生前係咩職業﹖ quiz and the result is 乞丐
漫畫人生:你會是《火影忍者》的那位? (by Wisley) quiz and the result is 大蛇丸
你的善良指數 quiz and the result is 天生善良
你是那一個星球的人 quiz and the result is 月球上的人
你是哪一位明星? quiz and the result is 張惠妹
你是 [男兒當入樽] SLAM DUNK 裡的哪一個角色!? quiz and the result is 南烈
測試你的約會指數 quiz and the result is 約會指數 85%
看看你與那位三國時代武將最相似!!! quiz and the result is 貫手著棼-太史慈
你是三國演義中那一個人物!? quiz and the result is 趙雲
你會成為那位平成年代的幪面超人? quiz and the result is 你是幪面超人空我 Kugga
人間三世書,前世今生此中尋 quiz and the result is 你的前世是大貪官和珅 !!!! (清朝)
你是金庸筆下的那一位角色 by justinian lui quiz and the result is 胡斐
將才測試 quiz and the result is 信將
你需要一個怎樣的情人 quiz and the result is 性格冷酷酷的人