昨日清晨第四臺播出"太陽帝國Empire Of The Sun"那是很久以前看過的影片
裡面,小男孩所吟的詩是威爾斯聖歌("Suo Gn"),很好聽:
是真人實事而改編:(斯皮爾伯格根據J•G•巴拉德的小 說改編)影片在向我們講述一個英國小孩在二戰時中國戰區,日本佔領區的種種的經歷,同時也向觀眾表達了一種對和平嚮往和追求的過程。實際上,影片後面有小小的簡介:本片為真人實事,故事的舞台就在中國大陸,時間正是對日抗戰的混戰時代!
黎明破曉時,在空軍基地裡,吉姆親眼見到神風特攻隊三名飛行員的起飛儀式。看到這個莊重的儀式,他克服了對日本的情感(他從小在上海長大,沒到過祖國,日本零式戰機駕駛是他偶像...),他開始唱著威爾斯聖歌("Suo Gn"),這是吉姆曾經在上海(聖公會)大教堂學校擔任唱詩班時唱過的詩歌。....................歌詞如下:
Sleep my baby, at my breast, ’Tis a mother’s arms round you. Make yourself a snug, warm nest. Feel my love forever new. Harm will not meet you in sleep, Hurt will always pass you by. Child beloved, always you’ll keep, In sleep gentle, mother’s breast nigh. Sleep in peace tonight, sleep, O sleep gently, what a sight. A smile I see in slumber deep, What visions make your face bright? Are the angels above smiling, At you in your peaceful rest? Are you beaming back while in Peaceful slumber on mother’s breast? Do not fear the sound, it’s a breeze Brushing leaves against the door. Do not dread the murmuring seas, Lonely waves washing the shore. Sleep child mine, there’s nothing here, While in slumber at my breast, Angels smiling, have no fear, Holy angels guard your rest.
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