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篇名: Saying goodbye
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2014.07.01  天氣:  心情:
One thing I am super sensitive about is saying goodbye

In the movie "The Bells Are Ringing", a song performed by Judy Holiday is called "The Party Is Over".

This song perfectly illustrates how I feel about saying goodbye.

I wish no one in my inner circle leave, move, or die.
I wish we all stay together forever and ever
I can t say goodbye without overwhelming sadness
I want to hold on to people and animals I care about

But it can t be
Animals get old and die
People grow apart or get old and die
No party lasts forever
All good times must end

Sometimes I felt my heart would explode from feeling so bleak
It s not that I am afraid to be alone
It s knowing how fragile relationships can be
Here today, gone tomorrow
Sometimes no chance to say goodbye

That s why I never want to part in bad terms
If we must say goodbye, even briefly, I want to part with goodwill
In case any of us should expire unexpectedly, there s no regret

What s worse than parting? Regrets
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