Recently, I found myself changing in some way after a rash of calamities. It's a good start though what I paid was pricey.
Peace and calm are filled with my mind right now another aspect, I lost a feeling of passion....I abandoned one piece of me in a dark past....I don't want to get it back unless I've fully prepared....
Time still passes on its way, the wound's still there and was hidden behind every smile and everyday trifles....
Fortunately, it has turned to an energy which supports my spirit..
Fortunately, it's stopped bleeding but to be alleviated by a powerful creed....
Fortunately, it gave me a chance to see this world in different views...
I'm still waiting.... waiting for an unpredictable credence.... a faith, whichI tried my best to keep...
It's a challenge, I know... with great torment pay, no gain...