I came to Bz city this afternoon (took me double the time than usual).
My head was hurting so bad so I skipped lunch and went straight to bed after I arrived at sister s house.[I-)]
My niece came here after her school was over but because I was very sleepy, I let her play in the backyard while I continued sleeping (as long as she doesn t walk out of the yard, she is safe).
My bro-in-law finally came to pick up my niece. My second sister and her family will go back to Czl for the weekend to visit the grandparents.
My son showed up again, and I let him into the house. One of his legs is a bit limpy so I examined it. There was a cut in his leg, but it is a minor injury so I am not worried about it. It will cure naturally in short time. [:E]
And then I noticed that my son seems very tired.[:o#] I felt his temperature and nose. Too warm. He must have caught a cold while wandering outdoor. I think I will keep him indoor, at least, until his big aunty comes home, she doesn t like him in the house because he likes to scratch her carpet. [X-D]