記得當年那位留法的講師告訴我們......他在法國苦讀了十年才完成他的博士學位那時還半信半疑......結果......大專畢業至今快十一年了哈! 我可憐的同學啊~~~他十年沒回台灣吃年夜飯了連家人的婚禮也沒法趕回來參加......希望他加油!!!希望他明年除夕是在台灣跟家人一起吃!!!~~~ ^_________^ ~~~"You Will Survive"At First you might be afraid,and then you might be petrifiedKeep thinking how you'll finish that Ph.Din the year after two thousand and five.U've spent god knows how many nights,just trying to make the thesis correct,trying to turn in the paper b4 its deadline.And you've grown strong, and have learned better to write.And now, the nightmares are back,they are haunting u 24-7,every single day and every endless night.That just can't be right.You should have by now completed the Ph.D,you should've attended ur bro's weddin',and reunited with ur family...........(((To be continued...)))歌詞還沒改完coz, i'm a bit tired now......gotta hit the sack now! [:-][:#][:-]((((((Yawn))))))99 everyone!"BON SOIR"啦![:-]Inspiration f/m:Original Lyrics "I Will Survive"&"I Will Survive"-- The High School Version