今早六點多醒來, 出發去運動. 沿著仁愛路寬闊的紅磚道大步快走, 看著來往穿梭的行人和車輛, 台北的早晨充滿了欣欣向榮的活力!! >:D< 這時太陽已出來了, 還好我有戴一頂遮陽帽. 嗯! 我應學韓信的精神, 明天要比太陽公公更早起來才行... ;):)>- 這是我之前寫的英文文章: At daybreak,before the sun cameout,the breeze was blowing gently,and it made me feel comfortable.Six lines carriageway with varieties of unknown trees on the Ren Ai Road.Just a few cars shuttle back and forth.Everything is peaceful and quiet.There were several old men who carried their bird cages and hanged them on the tree,listened to the birds singing.On the other side,there were 4 plainclothed men stood in the outdoor of a big house,they were protecting someone who is a very high-ranking official.I am lucky that live in the most beautiful section of Taipei. @};-