Take one bowl each of
soya milk and pumpkin with skin and seeds (after cleaning).
2. 將各一碗南瓜及豆漿倒進鍋子或大碗公內,放入電鍋,外鍋放八分滿量杯的水,按下開關蒸煮。
Put both together in a
big bowl with 8 measure cup of water and steam in an
electric cooker.
3. 煮好後當早餐吃,還滿好吃喔!要持續天天吃,可預防退化性膝關節炎、五十肩、肌腱炎等。
After cooking is
finished, take it as breakfast and eat daily consistently
for the prevention of degenerating knee arthritis, frozen
shoulder and muscle cramp.
4. 如已經有嚴重退化性膝關節炎者,在晚上九點再吃一次,持續吃三個月就有明顯好轉。
If the degeneration is
serious, take one more time at 9 pm for 3 months
continuously to experience significant improvement.