檔案狀態:    住戶編號:3282213
 shell 的日記本
Education 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Translation 1
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篇名: Steven Jobs
作者: shell 日期: 2014.09.22  天氣:  心情:
值得一看再看(It s worth reading)-----------------------------------------------

賈伯斯在病床上對人生的感悟:(The feelings of Steven Jobs while lying ill in bed.)

我曾經叱吒商界,無往不勝,(I once triumphed in business field.
在別人眼裡,我的人生 My life was a successful model in others eye.)

但是除了工作, (However, I didn t have much pleasure except work.
我的樂趣並不多,到後來, Then later, wealth had become a fact of habit to me.)

此刻,在病床上, (Now, in the patient bed,
我頻繁的回憶起我自己的一生,I frequently looked back of my own life with memory.
發現曾經讓我感到得意的 Finding it meaningless, all the fame and wealth from society
所有社會名譽和財富, had totally become dark without light in the face of coming death.)

黑暗中, (In darkness, I witnessed those metal testing instruments glittering with dark green
我看著那些金屬檢測儀器 beam and sounding annoyingly. It seems to approach me with the breath of the God s
發出幽綠的光和吱吱的聲響, warm humid death.)

現在我明白了, (Now I realized that I should have gone for others which were not related to wealth and
人的一生只要有夠用的財富, were supposed to be more important as only I had obtained enough wealth then.)

也許是感情, (It might be feelings,
也許是藝術, might be art,
也許只是一個兒時的夢想。 might only be a childhood dream.)

無休止的追求財富, (The endless pursuit of wealth would only make people turn into a freaky monster,
只會讓人變成一個變態的怪物, just like me, the whole life of my portrait.)

上帝造人時,給我們以豐富的感官, (When God crated humans, he gave us the rich senses
是為了讓我們去感受他 to enable us so as to feel him.
預設在所有人心底的愛, He prepared all the deep bottom of loves for us instead of the fancy illusion
而不是財富帶來的虛幻。 of wealth.)

我生前贏得的所有財富 (I wouldn t be able to take all the fortune I d won with me upon death.)

能帶走的只有記憶中 (Only could we take the pure touching moments from memory after calming
沉澱下來的純真的感動, and those loves and emotions irrelevant to materials.
以及和物質無關的愛和情感, They can t deny and disappear by themselves, yet they were the real valuable
它們無法否認也不會自己消失, fortune and wealth in your life.)

會一直隨著你、陪著你、 (They would follow you and accompany you to provide you with strength
給你力量和光明。 and light.
愛行千里,命無邊際 Love flies thousand miles with no boundary, you could go wherever you
你想去哪裡就去那裡, desire to go and climb as high as you want to reach. It s all within your heart
想登多高就登多高, and in your hand.)

『世界上什麼床最貴』? (What s the most expensive bed in the whole wide world?
『病床』! It s the bed in illness in the hospital.)

可以有人替你開車,替你賺錢, (None can drive for you, and earn money for you.
但沒人能替你生病, No one can replace to suffer your illness.
東西丟了都可以找回來, Lost property can be found,
但是有一件東西丟了 yet there is one thing
就永遠找不回來, which can t be traced back once you lose it,
那就是生命。 that is-------------life."

一個人走進手術室時 "When a person entered the surgery room,
才發現還有一本書 he/she then found there was one more book unfinished reading,
沒有讀完,那叫『健康人生』。 it s called "Healthy Life."

以上是賈伯斯對人生的感悟。 "The above meditation of life was from Steven Jobs."

無論我們現在正處於 "Whether we get to any stages of life,
人生的任何階段, through the passing of times,
隨著歲月的流逝, we ll eventually face
終究要面對落幕的一天, the final curtain of our life.
該好好珍惜 So, be sure to cherish
親情、 the family love,
愛情、 the couple love,
與友情。 and friendship.
『善待自己』 Treat yourself nicely,
『珍惜別人』! and cherish others gracefully."
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