因為上學期做了重大的決定,過程所費時間及金錢不能量化,歷經了一番努力後終於如願以償,...卻在上星期選擇放棄,恭喜我的人只有一位好友、一位麻吉同事、親愛的老媽三人...有她們支持足以有支撐的力量! 我知道不是我不行,而是想要為自己而活,不要活在別人的期待裡;想要掌握有限的生命,讓生活過得精采隨心所欲;垃圾桶不再長蟲、陽台的花不再枯萎、不要拒絕朋友邀約、不會再連闖紅燈、不要食之無味、、、於是又回歸原點: 音樂+電影+運動+美食+美酒+好書+益友+旅行...,不想失去當下,C est la vie!
這是看完電影(just like a woman)時播放的一首曲子,歌詞與劇情及當下的心情好契合,於是拿起iPhone搜尋這極低沉的配樂!
It s the last goodbye I swear
I can t rely on a dime a day love that don t go anywhere
I learn to cry for someone else
I can t get by on an odds and ends love that don t ever match up
I heard all you said and I took it to heart
I won t forget I swear
I have no regrets for the past is behind me
Tomorrow reminds me just where
Can t quite see the end
How can I rely on my heart if I break it with my own two hands?
I heard all you said and I love you to death
I heard all you said don t say anything
It s the last goodbye I swear
I can t survive on a half-hearted love that will never be whole