30 de Marzo 70.7KG (despues de los fiestas)
Today is a big step to move on my food diary and keep going practice my English and Spanish. Indeed, I really feel sorry for myself after I see my weight:70.9KG!!!!! I was 69KG....well, that was few days ago. That had to thanks for going to restaurent recently. "ALL YOU CAN EAT" is not a good idea for people who are in diet to go to. Too bad that my dear friends and classmates choose to go have wonderful and good food celemaring. what ever.....
BreakFirst (BF): nunca
Lunch: 6 of 煎餃
Dinner: 豬肉堡+零食:15片洋芋片+一包寶咖咖
澱粉:一個麵包+六片餃子皮 肉類:三份 蔬菜:一片(幾乎沒有) 水果: 0 垃圾食物:有點過量
Ouch...I know chips are not allow to eat for now~ but I really want to .....taste for now... tomorrow I will eat down to "2 chips". I promise!!