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True Love 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2010年的回忆
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篇名: Good Luck!
作者: jolee 日期: 2010.09.15  天氣:  心情:
Read an article - How to get lucky?

I can t help but giggled at the comments made by the author. He has made a few good points and would like to share with everyone:-

1) Take calculated risks:
There are two ways to be an almost sure loser in life. One is to take risks that are out of proportion to the rewards being sought.

The other is to take no risks at all. Lucky people, characteristically, avoid both extremes.
# I am a risk taker of the first kind. I suppose, I need to learn to be smarter and avoid both extremes!

2) Know how to select luck:
Is there some likelihood that the problems with your investment - whether it be time, money or love - will go away? Do you have some realistic hope of fixing them?

If so, you should stay aboard. If not, you should get out and look for better luck elsewhere.
# I am definitely looking better luck elsewhere. I have been stuck on board for way too long. Time to get smarter!

3) Learn to keep your mouth shut:
Talk can tie you up and lock you in positions that seem right today but may be wrong tomorrow. Avoid unnecessary talk about your problems, plans and feelings. When there is no good reason to say something, say nothing.
# Definitely will keep my mouth shut.... hehehehe (Wise people only speak when neccessary...)

4) Recognise a non-lesson:
There are experiences in life that seem to be lessons but aren t.

Recognise when something was just bad luck and move on.
# It s just BAD luck.. MOVE ON! Learn to take things easy and let go.. hehe

5) Find a destiny partner:
This is someone who is someone who changes your luck over a long term. This person is not necessarily a romantic partner and is usually just found by blind luck but it can help if you are actively looking.
# Definitely gona take some serious action in looking... LOL

Good luck to all!!! xx

瀏覽次數:77    人氣指數:3017    累積鼓勵:147
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
True Love 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2010年的回忆
時間:2010-11-02 10:26
他, 45歲,District of Columbia,其他
時間:2010-10-31 12:16
他, 36歲,新北市,建築營造
時間:2010-09-15 18:26
他, 45歲,Victoria,金融保險
