I had another one of those weird dreams last night.
U know the movie "inception"?
I dreamt about two sisters falling in love with the same guy. How weird is that.
In fact, the scenario was similar to "Kao", her daughter married a guy with nothing but a good heart.
The guy actually liked the younger sister in the beginning but later married the older sister.
Later the younger sister had some tragic relationship and end up single. Similarly, the older sister end up divorcing the guy.
And towards the end, the younger sister revealed that she loved her older sister s ex-husband, and actually got together with the guy, even when everyone opposed such relationship. But later, the Romeo + Juliet couple received people s blessing of their relationship.
That s not all. Somehow I dreamt that people were trying to capture me and do something bad to me. I don t recall what in the dream now, but there was one scenery where I had to kill someone to wake them up and end the dream at that level. When I was forced to do that, I cried and hug that person. What s weird was, I actually woke up from my dream with tears in my eyes. That actually scared me a bit to feel such a real dream.
OMG... am I going crazy.... why am I having all these amazingly weird dreams??
The spaceship house... the Disneyland ice skating water fountain...
These dreams seem quite long. Its like I ve spent a whole day there but just remembering little pieces here and there...
Some dreams were even before I watched the movie "inception".. I must be going insane with all these research papers...