how do I know it's you how can we ever know it's me for you it's the chance for twoe)S&LB c 1@ can we be sure this love will see as trueO)_ n^z-am&NT` ^3[zg9\].| v It's a passing agrees Or we have the same true love we made through the tears if you take my hand , will it take one day to it's forever4O`/B3A8p{&h*h E Whenever it takes will see it to the end When light of the sun cries with the rain more than the braves xaI C(CF"j Would I will do to spent all of my days with you somtimes the feel is afraid someday you want to look we made that's Ok It may not see so clear it may not see to hold our love so dear 我喜歡妳是寂靜的,彷彿妳消失了一樣, 妳從遠處聆聽我,我的聲音卻無法觸及妳。 6vX| z.v D(a6{5G 好像妳的雙眼已經飛離遠去, l/Rd G!~$e 如同一個吻﹐封緘了妳的嘴。 如同所有的事物充滿了我的靈魂, 妳從所有的事物中浮現,充滿了我的靈魂。 r!cf7xz#s9H 妳像我的靈魂,一隻夢的蝴蝶, `}9Z/{T;Lz? 妳如同憂鬱這個字。 I9}^[,w 我喜歡妳是寂靜的,好像妳已遠去。 妳聽起來像在悲嘆,一隻如鴿悲鳴的蝴蝶。 妳從遠處聽見我,我的聲音無法企及妳: 讓我在妳的沈默中安靜無聲。 |1zC]o6Q-Z9?p 7H+Z&yq"bw0S nLN 並且讓我藉妳的沈默與妳說話, ;Y9yqwx6] 妳的沈默明亮如燈,簡單如指環。 如黑夜,擁有寂靜與群星。 L | ~Cw,` 妳的沈默就是星星的沈默,遙遠而明亮。 我喜歡妳是寂靜的:彷彿妳消失了一樣, 遙遠而且哀傷,彷彿妳已經死了。 彼時,一個字,一個微笑,已經足夠。 而我會覺得幸福,因那不是真的而覺得幸福。