Look inside 看看
Look inside your tiny mind 看看你那淺薄的思想
Now look a bit harder 放遠大點吧
Cause we're so uninspired, 因為那裡裝不下靈魂
so sick and tired 如此噁心另人厭倦
of all the hatred you harbor 全是罪恨
So you say 所以你說
It's not okay to be gay 你不認同同性戀
Well I think you're just evil 然而我覺得你是個魔鬼
You're just some racist who 你就是一種種族歧視
can't tie my laces 連鞋帶都不配給我繫
Your point of view is medieval 你的觀點已經過時
Fuck you (Fuck you) 去你的
Fuck you very, very much 真的是去你媽的
Cause we hate what you do 因為我討厭你所做的
And we hate your whole crew 所以別再聯繫了
So please don't stay in touch 所以別再聯繫了
Fuck you (Fuck You) 去你的
Fuck you very, very much 真的是去你媽的
Cause your words don't translate 因為我們語言不通
And it's getting quite late 那只會耽誤時間
So please don't stay in touch 所以別再聯繫了
Do you get 你能不能
Do you get a little kick out of being slow minded?
You want to be like your father 你想像你父親那樣
It's approval your after 那就是你做的為了得到認同
Well that's not how you find it 那你就錯了
Do you 你
Do you really enjoy 你就真的喜歡
living a life that's so hateful? 這種充滿仇恨的人生嗎
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
Your losing control of it 你正漸漸失控
and it's really distasteful 那真的很不妙
Look inside 看看
Look inside your tiny mind 看看你那淺薄的思想
Now look a bit harder 放遠大點吧
Cause we're so uninspired, 因為那裡裝不下靈魂
so sick and tired 如此噁心另人厭倦
of all the hatred you harbor 全是罪恨