The most important lesson that I learned is the fact that we are blessed to walk on this earth as human beings, allowing us to hear the truths about life from Buddha's scriptures. %%-
Although reincarnation ensures that we come back to this world generation after generation, there's no guarantee which form of the 六道 we may come back to the next time around. Especially due to the inherent weaknesses in human beings, namely "貪、嗔、痴," making us blind to greater truths about life and causing us to do harm in our thoughts and actions. This generates endless web of karma, which can easily and unknowingly pull us onto an undesirable and baser path after we die (三惡道:地獄、餓鬼、畜生). However, even if we do mostly good and may end up in the better paths (三善道:人、阿修羅、天) after we die, we may fall again later when our past deeds catch up with us.8-Xb-(