要請大家幫幫忙!!! 請傳閱這張照片給你所有的朋友。
但是他們必須為所作出的事情付出代價,讓我們使用網路媒體的力量來找出他們。 謝謝你,我會很感激妳(你)的協助,只要您有一些有效的信息,請通知警察和動物保護團體。
Hi guys, i need to ask you a huge favor. Please circulate this photo on your profiles and send it to your friends
We need to find these people and make them pay for the abuse and pain they are inflicting on innocent animals.
We don't know what country they are at, but facebook is worldwide,so let's use the power of social media and friends to capture these abusers.
Thank you in advance, i would be so grateful if you could do that for the little animals out there.