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Zen 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 OMG
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篇名: The dude abides
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2014.07.25  天氣:  心情:
Jeff Bridges 是我很喜歡的演員之一
他的電影我愛的除了Big Lebowski之外還有The Fabulous Baker Boys

A tender lesson on love from Jeff Bridges, who has been married to his wife, Susan, for 37 years.

He was asked, “To what do you attribute the success of your marriage in an industry notoriously hard on relationships?”

"This industry is tough on relationships. I’ve always thought that my wife should have a credit up alongside mine, because I couldn’t do what I do without her support…

The toughest thing about making movies is being apart from your family. One of the things I try my best to do is call my wife every day, to keep up to speed with what’s going on in her life. And tell her what’s going on with mine.

Often when you’re apart from your loved one like that for so long, your connection kind of atrophies unless you keep engaged, even if it’s small everyday kind of stuff.

But another aspect of keeping a marriage together, I think it’s important to - you’ll think I’m silly - but to love each other, which begs the question: "what is love?"

Words that come to mind are openness, understanding, gentleness, kindness, and kind of working on those things, because everyone has a light and a dark side, I think, selfish aspects, and to kind of recognize those in each other and realize that we are going to have our own particular story at any given time, and those stories, they might not be the ultimate truth but they are certainly true for each of us, so to understand that we are each going through our particular version of reality, to respect that, and to nurture being in love, you know? To nurture that."
瀏覽次數:67    人氣指數:667    累積鼓勵:30
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時間:2014-07-27 03:11
The Last Picture Show was his first movie I watched. I was in college then, I think. And I also watched his 2010 True Grit for which he won the Oscar Best Actor Award.
