Abby: because I treasure it so much Don't want to hurt it and ruin it
Abby: yes sometimes but we didn't want to
so we try our best to keep it and love each other more
Never give up if you two really love each other
Or No relationship will success
Abby: because we sacrifice ourselves for each other
I know in this way, our relationship will last
Abby: Treasure your love with your future bf
don't easy give up
both need to change for each other
Abby: No problem I know you can make it
just remember, no one is perfect for each other need to learn and adjust for each other
Fish:好一篇至理真言阿~要是早問你就好了 只是恐怕早些時候我還沒想問 問了怕也是不想做吧
Abby: don't afraid to love
and learn to be loved