AC - Aromacology - The German style, Psychology of smell, relies upon olfaction alone. Dosage is 1-2 drops
芳香學 - 德國系統以味道來改變心理層面的問題. (使用1~2滴)
PA - Popular Aromatherapy - The English style of relaxation treatment, usually combined with massage. Dosage 1-5%, measured in drops.
民間 芳療 - 英國風格以放鬆,舒壓的療程為主,通常是以按摩來做搭配. (使用劑量1-5%,以滴為主單位)
CA - Clinical Aromatherapy - Developed in USA, Australia & UK predominantly by nurses and specialist aromatherapists for the treatment of specific conditions: Pain management, infection control, wound healing etc. Dosage 5-100% externally, measured in mls.
臨床 芳療 - 主要由美國, 澳洲, 英國為這方面的研究, 研究人員多為護理人員和芳香療法相關專業人員. 主要研究方向多為
具體的狀況, 例如: 疼痛管理, 汙染控制, 傷口治療等等. (使用量為5-100%, 以ml 為單位) "小辛就是在這個階層的"
AM - Aromatic Medicine - The Frence style of medical treatment of serious physical and mental conditions and diseases. Dosage
10-100% external, measured in mls, or internal measured in mg.
芳香植物 藥品學 - 以法國為首, 它們以醫學的方向來治療精神層面及生理方面的問題和疾變. (使用量為10-100%, 外用計算方面以ML 為主, 內服或體內使用,以Mg來計算.
參考資訊: ACNT- Australia College of Natural Therapies, Clinical Aromatherapy 1.