CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) — Apple Inc. unveiled
a new iPhone on Tuesday that is faster and
more powerful but stops short of a more radical
upgrade. It said Sprint customers will now be
able to use one.
The new iPhone 4S has an improved
camera with a higher-resolution sensor. The
processor is faster, which helps run smoother,
more realistic action games. It's also a "world
phone," which means that Verizon iPhones will
be able to useable overseas, just as AT&T
iPhones already are.
Apple said the new phone will come in black or
white. It will cost $199 for a 16 gigabyte-version,
$299 for 32 GB and $399 for 64 GB — all with
a two-year service contract requirement. It will
now be available through Sprint Nextel Corp.,
besides the existing carriers, AT&T Inc. and
Verizon Wireless.
翻譯的更多~~翻譯的更好, 所以, 簡單而言如下 :
Iphone 4s 將會有更好的動力 , 更好的核心 , 運作起
來也會更順, 更為穩定, 它的鏡頭經過了更好的解
析度處理, 某些零件也做了更新, 還有人傳言
Iphone5的'' 電子錢包 '' 服務, 還有它的聲控服務
, 例如 ,你問Iphone5 今天出門要帶傘嗎? 之類的服
務, 無線同步更新, 不需要經過USB 的介面裝置
而達到同步更新, 就可以透過mac與windows 作業
系統同步, 有兩種顏色 : 白色與黑色, 現在美國售
價約 199 16GB , 299 32GB , 399 64GB,
整體而言, 這一次的Iphone 並沒有劇烈性的修改, 但是
有人認為, 這是APPLE 公司在為下一個Iphone鋪路,
也許新的劃時代的手機變革, 即將來臨 ) |