Lasting love is built on respect for differences. 要有持久的愛便要建基於尊重大家的不同。
Marriage is not simply about finding the right partner -- it is about being the right partner. 婚姻的成功不在於找到一個適合的伴侶,而是自己成為一個理想伴侶。
People are in love with you not because of you. But because of how they feel about themselves when they are with you. 別人愛上您不因為「您」本身,而是因為他和您一起時, 您令他覺得自己很「好」、很「特別」、很「可愛」。
Your unconscious emotional programming (from childhood) is responsible for much of the pain you experience in your love life. 您童年的經驗在不自覺中做成您成長後感情生活的挫敗或傷痛。