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老王死了, 新王萬歲! 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 對你說不出口的一句話
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篇名: 食品公司恐怖新聞
作者: ac 日期: 2013.12.19  天氣:  心情:


新北市政府衛生局稽查西北食品工業股份有限公司 封存澱粉原料1,304公斤 ... 新北市政府衛生局說明,經調查西北食品公司自92年起即向味元企業股份有限公司購入澱粉原料,經調閱進貨紀錄,今年分別進貨「修飾澱粉MH-100」32,500 漿 ...

工業局 發布日期 2013-11-08 下午 04:42 標題 經濟部公布食品GMP認證之食用油脂赴廠查核結果,因正義股份有限公司違反食品GMP認證規定,已於102年11月8日取消該公司之食品GMP認證資格及認證標誌使用權 ...

白冰冰代言 食品公司疑賣過期品 新北市衛生局人員昨天前往位於新北市三重區的永欣食品公司 ...

頂新「食品絕對是良心事業」 檢:魏家和高振利沒兩樣 | ETtoday生活新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲
圖為魏家老二、頂新集團董事長魏應交月初出席活動,強調食品良心。(圖/東森新聞) ... 彰化縣衛生局和檢方4日到大統公司調查,發現早在2007年2月和6月就賣油給頂新和福懋,頂新6年來向大統購買的問題油高達230萬784公升,金額2611 ...

我很高興看到 ----
Whole Foods Will Stop Selling Chobani in Early 2014
Dec. 18, 2013

Whole Foods Market Inc. said today it will stop selling Chobani yogurt by early 2014 to make way for more organic options and brands free of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

Some consumers have complained that Chobani, headquartered in Norwich, N.Y., produces Greek yogurt with milk from cows fed with GMO animal feed.

Whole Foods plans to sell more non-GMO, organic and niche yogurts, the company said, while it is committed to "offering shoppers the widest variety of high quality products possible, including new items shoppers simply can t find anywhere else."

"As the national demand for Greek yogurt has grown, the number of conventional Greek yogurt options has multiplied," the grocer said in its statement. "Whole Foods Market challenged its Greek yogurt suppliers to create unique options for shoppers to enjoy -- including exclusive flavors, non-GMO options and organic choices."

"At this time, Chobani has chosen a different business model, so Whole Foods Market will be phasing Chobani Greek Yogurt out of its stores in early 2014 to make room for product choices that aren t readily available on the market," Whole Foods said in a statement.

Whole Foods move is a blow to Chobani, which quickly rose to prominence with its various Greek yogurt products, but was embattled in a publicity flub when it voluntarily recalled some of its yogurt due to mold.

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老王死了, 新王萬歲! 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 對你說不出口的一句話
時間:2014-05-12 08:43
他, 53歲,台北市,其他
