傍晚在陽台晾衣時 咦? 什麼時候變了風向? 又來了...... 夏天又在收拾行囊 偷偷不告而別中 曾經不眠不休 守著日日夜夜 試圖捕捉驟變的那一刻 想看清當下的那一秒鐘 只是...... 看清了又如何 它依然神祕難測 總是說走就走 不預留承諾 不說再見 當然 也不曾為誰而停留 ========== ========== Shoot! Dilana stays... Storm went home. The rest four rockers... Dilana can sing great, but can't write songs, can't handle being on top either. Lucas and Magni... they're both great but sometimes...ehh...not so sure. Toby will probably win this competition.