《Seasons In The Sun 》 Westlife
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend
we ve known each oth r since we were nine or ten;
together we ve climbed hills and trees,
learned of love and A-B-C`s,
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
Goodbye my friend, it s hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
pretty girls are ev ry where;
think of me and I ll be there.
We had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me,
I was the black sheep of the family;
you tried to teach me right from wrong,
too much wine and too much song,
wonder how I got along.
Goodbye, Papa, it s hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
little children ev ry where,
when you ll see them, I ll be there.
We had joy we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
but the whine and the song like the seasons have our gone
We had joy we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
but the whine and the song like the seasons have our gone
Goodbye, Michelle, my little one,
you gave me love and helped me find the sun;
and every time that I was down,
you would always come around
and get my feet back on the ground.
Goodbye, Michelle, it s hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
with the flowers ev ry where
I wish that we could both be there.
We had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
But the stars we could reach
were just starfish on the beach.
We had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
But the stars we could reach
were just starfish on the beach.
We had joy we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
but the whine and the song like the seasons have our gone
All our lifes we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
but the hills that we climbed
were just seasons out of time
PIC-- 挑眉中的 狗兒 超可愛
今天 9點多就被媽咪吵起來
還指定我一定要去 = =
我媽咪還兇我說 不行!!趕快給我起來去穿衣服
我就躲在棉被裡大叫 我不要啦 為什麼我一定要去啦
可惡 逃不過了...
唉 好吧 我認了
每次都在 很趕中 上車
拿個大包包 然後把一堆東西丟進包包裡
先上車 再來處理
像是大梳子 鏡子 綁頭髮的 睫毛夾 手錶
一堆有的沒的 先丟進包包裡
我上次還先穿拖鞋 把鞋子跟襪子帶上車穿咧
我爸比朋友家 養了條狗
聽那個大哥哥說 牠沒咬過人 所以應該是不會咬人
所以我就很放心的摸牠 跟牠玩一下
沒想到 玩沒多久 牠的嘴..就朝我的手過來了
還好我閃的快 只被牠碰到一點點
不然 我想可能會有齒痕吧 = 3 =
有嚇到我 剛好那大哥哥也在旁邊
哈哈 突然有點尷尬
不過我不在意啦 沒咬傷我就好了
只是覺得很好笑 呵
中午 實在是吃的太豐盛了
包著糖衣的惡魔 就是它了吧
喝完一小杯半 我就覺得 頭昏了
爸比朋友的女兒 大姐姐 也跟我聊很多有關於 研究所 的事
很關心我 想不想考研究所
這種事 我實在很難給個確定的答案
但是 想歸想 要做的話還是需要一番努力
不能光是空想 要去實行的
或許我真的該好好想想 未來目標了
回家後 馬上打電話給我好朋友
因為我答應她 下午要跟她出去
一回到家 換個衣服後 馬上騎車出門去
她說要去SOGO 附近 一家叫做 十點半的店
我們沿路一直找 就是沒看到
後來去買飲料的時候 問店員
旁邊聽到的顧客 很熱心的跟我們說
(好人耶 )
沒想到 真的有
而且招牌還很大 就在SOGO 隔壁而已
我們兩個 剛剛路過 眼睛是瞎了嗎
這麼大的店居然沒看到 可惡
我沒去過耶 第一次去
那裡感覺很像 外國的香榭大道
很悠閒的感覺 我喜歡
散個步 逛逛 我們就走了
今天 充實的一天
親戚們都跑去 老公家玩了
中秋節 烤肉
在國外烤 應該有不同的Feeling哦
可是老公說 他們差點烤到燒起來
= = 哇塞 也太危險了吧!!
親戚們啊...be careful~
不過 老公很可愛耶
居然把柚子 摔到地下 看它會不會自己破掉
那東西 要先用刀子切 然後再剝皮啦
一直摔 也破不了吧..
老公把柚子當成西瓜了 呵呵
不過每次老公的aunt來 都會一直灌他酒耶
可憐的老公 因為是長輩 所以都不能拒絕
以後 我來幫你擋吧 老公~
老公 愛死你啦 呵呵