這一次 我要把長髮弄亂
反正天再冷 躲不進你的胸懷
不怕你嘲弄 不怕你冷漠 此刻只想耍賴噢
這一夜 最好先說出goodbye
戲拖得太久 傻女生也會學乖
喝不下這杯酒 苦澀來得好快
讓你去作夢 讓你去摸索 讓你與我無關
我愛 我盼 只可惜你不在
我愛上的從來只是幻影 從不存在
我愛 我盼 只可惜你不在
說好彼此要真心對待 說過的話變成了負債
不能向你討的愛 我怎能鎖在心上
說好彼此要真心對待 已經證明撞上了冰山
不能為你留的愛 我最好忘得痛快
我走在熱鬧的街上 看著人來人往的人群 想起你 可惜你不在
我坐在寧靜的夜裡 仰望著天空繁星閃閃 想起你 可惜你不在
我走過天長橋 我在地久橋 我許過幸福的願望
我在奮起湖 我在阿里山 我聽到知了的叫聲 我看見小溪潺潺流水
我看見炊煙裊裊 如詩如畫矇矓的美景 想起你 可惜你不在
我漫步美麗城堡裡 眼前的一切像童話般美麗 幻想自己像公主一般
我看見漂亮的湖水 隨風起了陣陣的漣漪
我看見天空飄過的雲 你在天空的另一邊
閉上眼 感覺風輕彿過我的臉龐 想起你 可惜你不在
我站在燦爛陽光下 看著薰衣草一片一片 想起你 可惜你不在
我聞到薰衣草的香 我看見香草天空 我把心願寫在許願卡 掛在樹上
Life was beautiful then.I remember the time.I knew what happiness was.
Let the memory live again.
Lie to me, say that you need me
That's what I wanna hear
That is what, what makes me happy
Hoping you'll be near
All this time, how could I know
Within these walls, I can feel you
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile
I see it now, and I, can say it's gone
That would be a lie
Cannot control this, this thing called love
You must think, how can this be
You don't really know me
I can't tell, this ain't the time
You'll never be mine
What can I say, something 'bout my life
I just lost again
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile
I see it now, and I, can say it's gone
That would be a lie
Cannot control this, this thing called love
Always have to move on,
To leave it all behind
Go along with time
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile
I see it now, and I, can say it's gone
That would be a lie
Cannot control this, this thing called love