跳舞是我目前唯一的運動,也是最有興趣的活動,我曾經寄託於山林之中,我連續五年爬陽明山,暮從碧山下,山月隨人歸,卻顧所來徑,蒼蒼橫翠薇,那就是我最佳的寫照 最近三年來我鍾情於舞蹈,三年來一直都沒有變,我想以後也一直都不會變 人都是需要陪伴,那怕陪伴他的只是一隻正在燃燒的蠟燭。有人說物以類聚 舞蹈是我心靈的寄託,我常對自己說:what can i do
All my life I stood up to everyone and everything ,because it made me feel important
How I ever gonna surive in this world without dance I am in the dance
I am offering my services free of change plus a case of champagne to go with your leftover turkey