卸了妝 卸不掉對你的思念 調了又調的泡澡水... 怎麼也複製不出你散發的男人味 Indian Summer走了...... 我照例換上了冬被 試圖在被裡找尋你殘留的溫柔 明明就還很熱 心......卻冷得發僵 Gosh...... I'm so pathetic...... ((( ((( 狂扁自己中 ))) ))) ((( ((( #$%*(@#$&* ))) ))) ((( ((( Wake up! u stupid woman!!! ))) ))) ========== ========== 那天...亂轉台時不小心晃到跑馬燈跑著學弟的名字 I shouldn't have...... But I Yahoo his name...... Darn it! 跑出三頁多的資料來 光看那三頁多的大綱就快昏了 最後...連一頁都沒勇氣點下去 接著幾天... 我的惡夢期又開始了...... 我怎這麼沒用?! 若只是學弟的名字都可以trigger the nightmares 那要是輸入你的名呢? 會當下在電腦前瘋掉嗎?! I'm tired of this~~~ Tired of all the nightmares about you... That's it! I've had it~~~! 我決定列出所有可能trigger heartache的人事物 貼在牆上每天看它個十遍~~~ 我就不信~~~~~~(((翻桌))) 我就不信我走不出你離開的傷痛~~~ It's all in my mind only!!! All I have to do is conquer my inner fear, isn't it?! Isn't it?! Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ((( ((( Continuing beating myself up ))) )))