Well, it took me 2 weeks to find a job via 104...finally start working after taking 5 months of rest, but, can't decide whether this is the one...tomorrow, 3rd interview with Swedish company, don't know why I am still interested in that position, BU head in TW, maybe it's because of potential future or maybe because of package.... 家家有本難唸的經 只是沒想到我家的會有這麼難唸 心碎 心痛 又如何呢 人是關鍵 為何不能用同樣一把尺來衡量相同的事情呢?難道一個人過去所做所為 當要被同樣的尺衡量與對待時 就變成不公平了ㄇ 老天有眼的 不是不報 只是時間未到