How dare you?! You guys are WAY~~~ too over this time! 竟然沒經過本人允許就擅自以大家的帳號到處留言 邀請朋友來參加耶誕活動! 你們管理員想的 希望的事情 請用你們自己的身份跟帳號發言! 憑什麼打著別人的名號替人發言?! 懂不懂什麼叫尊重啊?! 沒禮貌~~~!!! 你們說的 "如經查證,愛情公寓將以最嚴厲的方式處決,絕不寬待" 請確實做到嚴以厲己!!!
And don't even bother to reply me with a "We sincerely apologize blah blah blah......" kind of message. Like I said, you are way too over this time! That "political correct however impersonal" kind of apology ain't gonna save your sorry a(beep) this time, and it'll only irritate me more and unleash my worst inner demon!
請徹底檢討 確實改進! 謝謝!