廣大的夜空有一顆星子閃耀光芒譜一首歌曲悠揚 以生命燃亮以清亮的嗓音 娓娓輕唱請你抬起臉龐 細聽徜徉願能給你一點 生命的光也希望你也能 笑顏開朗縱使我不能成為天使依然願為你輕唱即使我不能伴你身旁依然願替你憂傷雖然我只能是 一顆你生命中的流星但我也希望 別再讓秋夜裡的愁意充滿你的 五官與心房好歌share:送你這對翅膀我看到有隻麻雀落在地,
I found a spar-row ly-ing on the ground;
Her life I knew would soon be at an end.
I knelt be-fore her as she made a sound,─ and lis-tened as she said. "My friend.─
送給你這對 翅膀 , 學習飛翔越過最高山。
Take these wings─ and learn to fly─ to the high - est moun-tain in the sky;
送給你這對眼睛 , 學看世上的美事。
Take these eyes─ and learn to see─all the things so dear to me.
送給你歡欣 的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅 ,
Take this song─ and learn to sing,─fill your voice with all the joys of spring;─
Take this heart─ and set it free,─ Let it fly─﹝Let it fly, let it fly﹞
海的 那邊。」
be-yond the sea."
I found an-oth-er spar-row ly-ing on the sand,
A ti-ny bird whose life had just be-gun.
I picked him and held him in my hand;─ I smiled at him and said, "My son.─
送給你這對 翅膀 , 學習飛翔越過最高山。
Take these wings─ and learn to fly─ to the high - est moun-tain in the sky;
送給你這對眼睛 , 學看世上的美事。
Take these eyes─ and learn to see─all the things so dear to me.
送給你歡欣 的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅 ,
Take this song─ and learn to sing,─fill your voice with all the joys of spring;─
Take this heart─ and set it free,─ Let it fly─﹝Let it fly, let it fly﹞
海的 那邊。」
be-yond the sea."